Friday, January 4, 2013

Kim Kardashian Fake Pregnancy Like Beyonce – Who’s The Surrogate Mother?

So will Kim Kardashian have a fake pregnancy ala Beyonce? Come on, we all know Bey had a surrogate… especially after her Australian TV appearance where her belly seemed to flip inside out momentarily. Hey to each her own… but why lie about it. Yes, I did see the white bikini photo of B, but that was clearly a photo-op and anyone can push out their belly a little. How could Kim pull it off and why?

Well, for one, Kim’s baby daddy Kanye West and Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z are BFF’s so the idea was probably brought up by Yeezy. Bey seemed to have gotten away with it and retained her nice tight figure, perhaps Kanye thought Kim should do it to. Come on, we all know that once Kim actually has a baby she is going to blow up. Kanye knows that too, so he was trying to be proactive about things and gave her the idea to have someone else ruin their body and Kim could have all the joy and glory.

 It would not have been that hard. Kim was taking steps to harvest her eggs, so clearly she had a plan already. I don’t believe that plan included freezing her eggs, but to actual put them in another woman’s basket. It is still early. Kimmie is only 3 months preggers so it will probably be another month or so before she starts showing if she really is carrying baby Kimye herself. But everyone should be watching her belly like a hawk for signs of folding. For those of you who have never been pregnant, your belly folding in is not normal. Hell, even if you have never been pregnant that’s not normal. What do you think readers? Is Kim really pregnant or is she using a surrogate? If she is using a surrogate do you think that is why the Kardashian’s were quick to say they would not be filming the birth? Photo Credit: Fame Flynet

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